Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Not Me

Poetry Thursday's
weekly topic is writing as someone else.

I riffed on it:

I am not writing this poem. This
is someone else. Perhaps my neighbor
who stumbles in at 3 in the morning
while I am awake staring at my monitor
not writing this poem. Perhaps the
ghosts of 5 years ago but I think
they are too busy to bother they have more important people
than the me who is not writing this poem. Perhaps you are
writing this poem. That would be a neat trick writing and
reading at the same
time creating
the next
word out of your subconscious desire to see that word next
on the page no other word will do really it is obvious why
you have chosen that word next. Please choose well or the
world may end


GreenishLady said...

Hey! That had my head spinning. I can't decide what word I want to add, though, because I think someone finished that poem off just perfectly!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Excellent poem, great ending!

Anonymous said...
